Wednesday, December 29, 2010

First Post!

This is the first post. How exciting! I decided to create this blog since minus my wonderful cousin Christine no one in my family is a teacher or understands the process in which it takes to become a teacher or even the struggles of being in a classroom. In order to share my stories I created this blog to share stories of my journey to graduation, the job hunt, (hopefully) landing my first job, and the struggles/supreme joy that goes with teaching.

Currently I have a month left of student teaching. I just finished working with the 7th graders and now I am moving to teach 9th grade. The 7th graders were quite an experience. They are loud, energetic, INSANE, and yet they are still young kids who need a lot of reassurance and someone to care for them. It breaks my heart to hear some of their stories. They say that attendance will be the best from November until the end of March because apartments can't put them out on the street. After March many students will be pulled from school because their parent will find another place to live that usually isn't the best. (Okay it almost ALWAYS is not a good situation for my students.) That is just one example of what affects the daily life of my students.

What is left for me now is finishing my portfolio (only 8 pages left to write!!!), defending it in front of a panel of educators, and finishing my last day of student teaching January 28th.  I guess I better get to it! :) Happy New Year everyone!