Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's Been Awhile!

I apologize that this has taken so long to write. I have been swamped working subbing and then working 3-6 at Kindercare. Last week alone I worked four sub/Kindercare days. It's great but I'm tired. 

Things have been going pretty well actually. I am finally used to living at home though I have been traveling non stop between Sheboygan and Chicago. I got to celebrate my friends 21st birthday, tour a possible apartment and see my Beau. 

Subbing is teaching me a lot. I have found different classroom management techniques to interesting ways to interact with students and even learning what things I want in my classroom. 

If all goes according to plan I could have my own classroom in as soon as a year. I could also get my Master's degree in that year. I could also move out of my home and into an apartment in that year. Yes this year is going to be many huge changes. Another change I have to unfortunately get used to is having Beau in Wisconsin while I'm in Chicago. Ahhhh the long distance relationship. After three years of it on and off it never gets easier...not even close! 

Tomorrow I have an interview for the AUSL program. This would help my aspiration of moving to Chicago this summer. I will update tomorrow with what they said! 

Have a good night and YIPPEE Brewers got their first win tonight :)