Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's Been Awhile!

I apologize that this has taken so long to write. I have been swamped working subbing and then working 3-6 at Kindercare. Last week alone I worked four sub/Kindercare days. It's great but I'm tired. 

Things have been going pretty well actually. I am finally used to living at home though I have been traveling non stop between Sheboygan and Chicago. I got to celebrate my friends 21st birthday, tour a possible apartment and see my Beau. 

Subbing is teaching me a lot. I have found different classroom management techniques to interesting ways to interact with students and even learning what things I want in my classroom. 

If all goes according to plan I could have my own classroom in as soon as a year. I could also get my Master's degree in that year. I could also move out of my home and into an apartment in that year. Yes this year is going to be many huge changes. Another change I have to unfortunately get used to is having Beau in Wisconsin while I'm in Chicago. Ahhhh the long distance relationship. After three years of it on and off it never gets easier...not even close! 

Tomorrow I have an interview for the AUSL program. This would help my aspiration of moving to Chicago this summer. I will update tomorrow with what they said! 

Have a good night and YIPPEE Brewers got their first win tonight :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Now that the weather forced me to leave my mini vacation in Sheboygan early I now have the time to update!

I started subbing last week Wednesday. I was lucky enough to work Thursday and Friday as well. Yeah money!

Wednesday I shadowed a building sub (which is a sub that is at school everyday regardless of what jobs are available) which was helpful. I got a tour of the school and later in the day we subbed in an eighth grade U.S. History classroom. I taught the last hour of the day and the students seem to react positively to me. 

Thursday I subbed in a Geometry classroom. I am AWFUL at math so this was interesting. Luckily they were learning slope and I half understood that. The students didn't like me but that is okay. Haha. I was strict and made them complete their work before they went on Facebook. I'm such a bad teacher ;) 

Friday I volunteered in a READ 180 classroom. I taught that at my second placement for student teaching so I was familiar with the program. That day was fun. I got to read, help students read, and have political discussions with a few mature students. Fourth block, though, they put me in a Spanish III class and I do not speak any Spanish. I felt horrible sitting there while the student teacher tried to answer the questions. I couldn't help because my Spanish vocabulary is limited to Hola and No Hablo Espanol...

Time to go finish cleaning my room. I just shoveled the drive way so I will sleep good tonight!

Friday, February 11, 2011

First Sub Job!

Today is my real interview! I am meeting at South Milwaukee at 3:30 to fill out paperwork and meet the staff and become a sub! I hope they are so desperate for subs I work everyday. ;)

I just want to make a shout-out to my dad: I Love You! 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm Still Alive!

Well I officially moved home last week. I really haven't been doing much but applying for jobs, watching volleyball, and waiting for the phone to ring with a magical offer of money! 

I've applied many places and tomorrow will submit two more applications via snail mail. Then I wait some-more. I have finished the entire season two of Lie to Me and need another show to watch for hours a day. 

It is funny because I kinda feel like I have lost my identity. I was a college student for so many years and now I'm not. The routine was so comforting and predictable.  I'm not a teacher yet either. I never really had the closure of graduation with my friends and leaving Beau behind was not fun at all. I think that was the hardest thing of all.

It is hard to explain I guess but all I know is I have a lot of changes coming in the next couple months. Heck I may be moving in June and that will REALLY change a routine.

I am off to have a sleepover and leave all the planning and thoughts for a different day. Tshuss! 

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am officially done. As of 11:14 I am a certified teacher and college graduate. Unfortunately now comes the job hunt and getting together all the paperwork necessary.

I get my temporary license that next week and then I can get to send the rest of my AUSL application. I also get to start subbing. I am going into Franklin's district office Monday to let them know i'm home!

Tonight I get to celebrate my friend Chey's birthday! Yee haw! 

Monday, January 24, 2011

You Know You Are A Nerdy Teacher When...

Scholastic has downloadable books for $1. Books to make myself a better teacher for up 98% of the price!

Yes. I'm about to spend a little too much money!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

One More Week!!

I have exactly one more week at Manitowoc. How the days have flown! I began my placement there November 5. Through the many ups and downs I have come to enjoy the students and staff. I have one final project left!

I created a project called "Take a Mitten, Leave a Mitten." I am going to set up a box in the guidance department where students can take a hat or mittens for themselves or whoever needs them. Tomorrow I am going to create the box and Monday the newsletter with my idea goes out to all staff members.

I just hope this can go on even after I am gone. If one student who needs mittens or a hat gets one then this project was successful.

Time for figure out what game to play with my Read 180 students tomorrow! :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Graduated!

Yesterday I turned in my very large and very heavy portfolio. I also gave my 30 minute presentation in front of two Lakeland professors. Luckily I think it went very well! Besides showing up at Washington for the next two and a half weeks I graduated!

Back to my AUSL (Academy of Urban School Leadership) application. I haven't submitted it yet but it is currently being reviewed  by a current resident. So far she took my two short answers and completely edited them. Now she is looking over my more final draft. Luckily she knows what they want so she can help me tailor my experiences to show that off. 

The informational session went really well. It was a two hour meeting at Phillips Academy in Chicago. I was super lucky Beau came with me too. 

I learned:
- I can get my Masters in Urban Education in a year for around $12,000 with the possibility of loan forgiveness. 
- I still can receive financial aide from the government.
-There is 90% job placement and if a job is not found in a turn-around school then they will place you in a school in a Chicago Public School. 
- I will be placed with a mentor teacher for a year while I get my Masters. Student teaching all over again here I come. 
- I will begin June 13th and take full time classes until school starts in September.
- Many apartment complexes offer reduced monthly fees or no security application for CPS (Chicago Public School) teachers.
- I made a REALLY good impression. After the presentation the presenter came to me to talk to me even though she had a long line of people who wanted to talk to her. 
- I am only two out of the forty-five people there with a teaching degree. Hopefully this qualifies me more.
- Having a friend in the program is AWESOME!!!

I'm off hang out with the roommates. I have three more weeks with them until I move home.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I Think I Already Have a Bold Spot...

I will update how my informational session went when I finish this portfolio. The last thing that is standing between me and a fancy diploma & teaching certificate is this darn portfolio. It is already almost 65 pages! Yikes!

At 5 p.m this Wednesday January 12th I will officially have finished all requirements Lakeland College wants before I graduate. 

Until then it is back to proofreading, corrections, and finding my jump drive that has my portfolio rough drafts (which is currently lost at home?) just in time!

Thanks for reading! :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Think I Know What I Want to Do With My Life!

Since graduation looms around the corner I've started to think about what to do when I have my degree. And as quickly as I start to wonder I become friends with a teacher who works in Chicago and introduced me to a program through the AUSL (Academy of Urban School Leadership). We have talked over five hours and she has answered all my questions. Super super helpful!

If your interested here is the website: http://www.ausl-chicago.org/
Here is the AUSL promotional video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCXW-Z4EXwQ

What it is is a program where I can get my Master's degree in a year and in return I have to make a 4 year commitment in a Chicago turn-around school. A turn around school is a school that Chicago Public Schools recognized as a failing school and they turn it over to the AUSL program. Results are in and the schools are showing substantial success. 

I am attending an informational session January 5th in Chicago and on the 6th I am planning on going and visiting a turn around school I am interesting in working at. What makes it unique is that it is only 15 minutes away from Beau's house AND the school is classified as an environmental green building. 

I hope the session and tour go well! I will make sure I keep everyone updated!

As I close I would like to say...GO PACK GO! :)